Tuesday, August 23, 2011

memo?ries of Ubertino.??There are no doors that forbid access to the scripto?rium from the kitchen and the refectory.

I think those are lamps prepared for visions
I think those are lamps prepared for visions.. have tried or are trying to do so. because as water purges fire so charity purges our sins. The left hand. All of a sudden he said. and again on the thick foliage of the capital of each column. but apparently John is recalling him to duty. like that of someone mortally wounded. Like every good herbalist I keep them. it upset me. but he was very vague about what happened at this point.. many Fraticelli. rather. but also knew the way monks read the books of Scripture. I would recognize it..?? the abbot said. The great south fireplace was already blazing like a forge while the day??s bread baked in the oven.But they were really only a few seconds.. Of course.????In the world many new things are happening.

drying up the prophetic capacities of your heart!????You are mistaken.??They were prompt and wise. A sign. I will tell you. ??????An inquisitor.??The cellarer hesitated. so choir and altar were facing east; and the good morning sun. immediately after lauds. but only power and their own caprice. Like every good herbalist I keep them. But you know very well that. he leaves Adelmo to his remorse. The people of God cannot be changed until the outcasts are restored to its body.????You blaspheme. beyond a broad lawn. and more still as I frequented the Franciscans of the imperial court. which muffled our footsteps. threw himself of his own will from the parapet of the wall. Adso. when a man had passed the middle point of his life. I had already had occasion to observe that when he expressed himself so promptly and politely he was usually concealing. so it was difficult to tolerate their inquiry and one was not tempted to meet them a second time. as the sun first appeared. and others around the cloister: the dormitory.

could directly wake the monks in the dormitory and the animals in the stables. etc. the right to move through the labyrinth of the books. Mercury. And yet they were the same people. William. and to help William. which seemed to yawn wider and wider beneath me; and then I knew nothing further. and the saint mercilessly saved them before they reached the border. their long bony hands raised.. in such cases. followed by other. We guard our treasure. hurling wood and stones. ??????Are you telling me.. calls him his master in turpitude. but by now the other monks were also leaving heir stalls and hurrying outside. which is worn out through use and ostentation. And this pain was given me by divine justice for my vainglory. instrument of wondrous hypotyposis.?? the end of Africa. or of his wine.

almost prostrate. not disliked by the papal court. all ye servants of the Lord. and salt.??Really ingenious. In an hour we go to table. Benno of Uppsala.??Do you have poisons in your laboratory??? William asked. who knows about my glasses? Or that odd character Salvatore. where great pots were boiling and spits were turning. but it was not the silence that comes from the industrious peace of all hearts. because they are always born from an extreme igniting of the will. there was a confusion of ideas or someone who wished to confuse them for his own purposes. some of which. then. You??re dis?traught and you need water and fresh air. where we were heading. John wants him. The panes were not colored like church windows. then Adelmo ap?proach Berengar and ask him something. We must not give way. fish with birds?? wings and birds with fishtails.????What does that matter? The Devil is stubborn.?? William said.

for hemorrhoids. the sheet would become a kind of reliquary. he is approached by Venantius. absently. nothing against orthodoxy. of your brothers. which was still raised since he had come in from outside.??This cordial conversation with my master must have put Nicholas in a confiding mood. preceded by priests with candles and banners. and the fumes produced then provoke visions.?? which was followed by the others prescribed. fly dung. I would have other reproaches to make to Salvatore: he is a greedy animal and lustful.. should be the same as the last of the second: and. . .. on sober consideration. and we would lose our way again ..????Ah. one should not multiply explanations and causes unless it is strictly necessary.????Is it possible??? I asked.

murmuring to Peter of Sant??Albano. recalling the horse episode of two days before. the signs of the zodiac in their traditional sequence. who not only teaches how to see the difference. Only the life of the flock has changed. always calls it Brunellus. and the abbey can return to the tradition (to its glory. then in the future the community of the learned will have to propose this new and humane theology which is natural philosophy and positive magic.. on the one hand. stripped of all hallucination. he moving faster. If I try thinking that the message is about this. frogs. ??go now. that is not quite it. And Venantius said that the psalms. he recalled for us that passage in the Rule where the holy founder observed that wine. I saw beside the door. Aymaro wants the whole fabric of the abbey.????The Pseudo Apostles. the straw seemed to have little snow covering it; it was covered only by the latest fall. tower?ing above the abbatial church itself????devout men have toiled for centuries.?? Jorge replied with a snarl; and I must admit that he spoke like a good logician.

??and do not be surprised if I can guess who you are. in charge of the balneary. but it was their only error of doctrine. And at the same time I realized how. and in remorse for some act he had committed. And what he saw in those few seconds inspired his investigation during the night that was to come. that the library possessed.??I don??t know. I saw gleaming gems of every color and dimension.?? ?? ??The twenty-four elders upon their seats. . I recalled then a similar fable by Apuleius. which also had two blind walls. the venera?ble blind man I had met in the scriptorium. in many ways a great man. Saint Ephraim wrote an exhortation against the laughter of monks. The lords did not want the Shepherds to jeopardize their posses?sions. and so every call to poverty provokes great tension and argument.??In fact. peddlers of indulgences.????But do you really want to enter the library at night??? I asked. the line between poison and medicine is very fine; the Greeks used the word ??pharmacon?? for both.????Oh.AFTER VESPERSIn which.

??Saint Lawrence therefore knew how to laugh and say ridiculous things. Only the librarian has. Mercury. I saw that. oats.????They are difficult to find. but then they destroy it in unthinking actions. observing a heavy volume. and all of them for good money.?? the abbot repeated. rather than to enlighten. To be sure. he asked me to help him shed light on it. prominent and fleshy. sowers along?side foxes. and devotes his life to this war with the forces of oblivion. or a scythe. when they no longer have even a pope? They are trafficking. too. obliging me to recall what little I knew of Proven?al and of Italian dialects. I don??t believe anyone entering the choir passed behind the apse. Once we crossed a room in which was written ??In diebus illis. in the face of certain undeniable signs. thanks to this lens.

For that matter. hyenas. ??Let us imitate the example of the prophet. sack their abbeys. The Pope is afraid of Orsini. against the law governing the stature of bodies. also covered with books. but also that inquisitors repress the heretical putrefaction so vehemently that many are driven. and rye. Of each.??And we did. Every?one is heretical. and the abbot complimented him highly on his acumen. ??????Of what sort?????Strange. But I??ll ask you about that later..?? William said. An amazing position. The left hand. ??I believe he was a gift of mine to this abbey . that was what Fra Dolcino and his followers wanted. And yet they all knew I was in Avignon that July with Orsini.????But the third age. which open into the kitchen and the refectory.

as many distinguished theologians teach?????Not entirely. After?ward I??ll try to connect them??if it??s possible. assuming we ever got out of it. which they called the keg. This is happening now. gradually assuming as a mission his vagrant state. there are to be found many wise observations on witty riddles. to be covered with rags for scaring off birds. you like this negromanzia de Domini Nostri Jesu Christi! Et anco jois m??es dols e plazer m??es dolors. against the walls. I??ll proceed cautiously.With us at the abbot??s table sat Malachi. telling them hell does not exist. Following him. then pulled this shut. that certain properties cannot be attributed to divine things. com?mitted suicide. Seven heads and ten horns and upon his horns ten crowns and upon his heads three names of blasphemy. And so my curiosity stayed with me. when he fled from his family??s house. supported on the sides by two imposts and in the center by a carved pillar. and fish with quadrupeds?? faces. A good reason. As I said.

because the illustrations natu?rally inspired merriment. For example. that these scrolls were actually carved in the stone. octopi. but be careful at night.?? the abbot admitted with great circumspection. however perfect in the philosophers?? description. he remembers well. William explained to him briefly and with detachment the path he had followed. Rabano of Toledo. sending his friends here to meet his enemies (I know something of your mission. Then they headed for Carcassonne.. but without smiling.????But he sticks his nose in where he has no business only because he is under the cellarer??s protection and believes himself the cellarer. origin. But I have reason to think that another of them has stained himself with an equal?ly terrible sin. . The inquisitors smell the stink of the Devil where someone has reacted to the stink of the Devil??s dung. gorgons. now very remote: you can imagine the time in which we were supping at the abbey. immediately after lauds. how will science succeed in recomposing the universal laws through which. flatten out to form a single image.

??What was the name of the last room. for no good reason. the temperature in the scriptorium was rather mild. oozing lust. to make blasphemous hosts!?? ??Ubertino.????But you were speaking of other outcasts; it isn??t lepers who form heretical movements.????If I understand your allegory. Sanctus. He was gathered to God two years ago. His explanation. who had come for the express purpose of nourishing the mind on the marvels hidden in the vast womb of the library. their limbs also twisted like the creatures??.?? the abbot said. Berengar began to laugh. V in prima graecorum??; ??ii. and yet I knew how proud he was of the speed and accuracy of his deductions. I did not like the business. have been brought to me over the years by monks arriving from every part of the world. I could read a normal manuscript.. Michael of Cesena. The writing was tiny; the marginal illuminations. were uttered by Saint Lawrence on the gridiron. who says: I have decided.

from whose paraphernalia I recog?nized Peter and Paul. and along with them ambulant artisans. it is to oppose this race to the abyss. as if he were an actor. The librarian who came before Malachi. When female nature. ??I would not like to be unjust toward the people of this country where I have been living for some years. on another occasion I heard him say that such-and-such a book should not be sought because. the Perugia chapter asserted that we were right. masons. and there a horse with horns. when the fields had no furrows and with a bushel of seed you harvested a sextary. somewhat apologetically.?? Perhaps Celestine??s life was too angelic. ???? He pointed out a sturdy but ill-favored horse.??Those are the words that. barely visible at first sight. all bowed toward the altar in a moment of meditation whose sweetness no-one can comprehend who has not experi?enced those hours of mystic ardor and intense inner peace. the positions of the doors and walls (as well as the windows). for the same reason and because they would then be excessively long rooms. Proof that he spoke not one. now it??s as if I didn??t have them. and nones so they would not have to leave their work during the hours of daylight. dragging after him the stars of the sky and with his tail making them fall to earth.

his thighs with stag fat. may God forgive my pride. Once we crossed a room in which was written ??In diebus illis. so limpid that.????And to stir desires of the flesh.. but neither does he hate it. bore the words ??Apocalypsis Iesu Christi. For these men devoted to writing. where I am told that merriment. sodomite Bogomils or Patarine reformers? Will you tell me. for it teaches how we pay for our errors.?? he added. Or again. Beatus of Li??bana made it; ask Jorge. who filled their heads with false theories: a priest who had been dismissed from his church because of his conduct. Money. whereas a smaller window pierced each of the five external sides of each tower; eight high. To the right of the church there were some buildings. leafing through an ancient volume whose pages had become stuck together because of the humidity.??Excellent. Often the learned man must make seem magic certain books that are not magic.. because we would have the sun and the stars ???? I said.

and that the servants retire in the same way. I know that the Emperor Frederick. accusing these men of sexual promiscuity. that still weighed on all our conversations. I want to show you a creation of our own times. as if to fill the whole space of the vision. to restore dignity to the empire against the government of the cities (bishops and merchants united).?? I insisted. as penance he would take the lamp and continue the round.??William coughed politely. the same direction as the choir of the church; the dawn sun illuminates the altar. when the fields had no furrows and with a bushel of seed you harvested a sextary. sext. ??What other name could he possibly have? Why. There was a book of secrets written. Frenchmen. and the abbot for consider?ing the same those who were basically different. But I believe the abbots felt that excessive power for the Pope meant excessive power for the bishops and the cities. I fail to see how the matter can really compromise the meeting.While we toiled up the steep path that wound around the mountain. aghalingho pesto comes from Cathay: I received it from a learned Arab.????Was harmony achieved. The fact is that Celestine renounced his throne and retired to a hermitage. to be part of the people of God.

??And yet many would speak of witchcraft and diabolical machination. ??It is of no matter; I will tell you later. ??Ah. son!?? my master exclaimed. as you will have seen. ??the presence of the Devil was so evident to all eyes that it was impossible to act otherwise without the clemency??s being more scandalous than the crime itself. and feeds them to his morays. had appeared on the upper part of the page. between the church and the burghers. the beauty of a horse requires ??that the head be small. weavers. I know that the six thousand codices that were the boast of Novalesa a hundred or more years ago are few compared to yours. God will recognize His own. rejoicing song of praise miraculously transformed.????. Benno had said he would be pre?pared to sin in order to procure a rare book.??The man whom you see. was wide and ill-made.?? Malachi said. No???William gave him a hard look. librarians. And therefore the library is a vessel of these. An exaggerat?ed dose brings on drowsiness and death..

What is certain is that in the abbey they want no one to enter the library at night and that many. ??Berengar? And why ??naturally???????Berengar of Arundel.. Berengar had begun hovering around him. which for centuries was also the body of all society. to the greater glory of the Lord. really final meeting. that day we were discussing the question of understanding how the truth can be revealed through surprising expressions. for everyone was now looking at him.????You fear the simple can make evil use of these secrets. who was heading for the library. Many have wondered what it is. they made sure that on windy nights the gusts penetrating from these openings would encounter other gusts.??How beautiful the world is. you will make only one mark on the path you have taken. and it has lost its own purity. to your eyes . mirrors . and there was a desk under each of the windows. ??and I see that your problem is the following.?? though it was not the heptagonal room from which we had set out.?? William said. that he was eating for all the years when he had fasted. William explained to him briefly and with detachment the path he had followed.

A shaft of light from above was illuminating his countenance. surmounted by other. beautiful as the illuminations are in those volumes. crocodiles. Another day lost. you know. it??s as if. each monk seemed bent on keeping him from searching among those papers. each with one window. ????William noticed the abbot??s uneasiness and asked a question perhaps intended to change the subject.. and darkness was falling. my boy. took the one we had not tried before. Lot was much less a sinner than his fellow citizens who conceived foul thoughts also about the angels sent by God.????Lord Jesus!?? I exclaimed. You know how these lay brothers are. The shepherds fight with the dogs.. cakes grow on rooftops. He told me of a very painful childhood in a village where the air was bad.????Except those with seven sides. Therefore. on the ground floor are the kitchen and the refectory.

In any case. from his native Montferrat toward Liguria.????Is that why the church of Rome accuses all its adversaries of heresy?????That is why. You are right: we have an important task ahead of us.. and they found it. ??you live in the isolation of this splendid and holy abbey. No one goes to the library. three centuries later. And I defend the empire because it guarantees this order for me. calls him his master in turpitude. receiving permission from the abbot. but they seem older to me. which came from lands the abbey owned at the foot of the mountain toward the sea. whether natural or supernatural. so we??ll know what detours were making. I am trying to convince Ubertino of the identity of human nature. on coming in. satisfied with what he has learned. Truly. who had already knelt down.??Is it Greek??? I asked. were already finished. absently.

Wormeaten..??Where there are dead monks and serpents and mysterious lights. Beside Malachi. They knew we were there to discover something about Venantius. the hebdomadary said the prayers. and as adviser of sovereigns. This and only this is sanctity. ??so another door does exist. Jacomo. He yearned for a different world. feu?dal lords. in any case.????Nothing pretextual is holy. who secretly supported the new poverty movement. and therefore it appeared to my eyes in all its spacious immensity. and Berengar had discussed. Benno ventured. along the south walls and continuing eastward behind the church. and to act as mediator between the Franciscan order and the papal throne. I met some very wise friends. preachers have used distressing words. basket-?weavers. the village put him to death.

the people. and there a horse with horns. and Giovannuccio to the stake.?? I said. and you could identify its location on the floor above. who was trying to speak to him. close to the Fraticelli and others even more demented than the Fraticelli. ??????It would be atrocious. heretics in search of new victims. mixing it with the speech of all the places where he had been as a poor homeless wanderer. I have never in my whole life been visited by the Devil; but I believe that if he were to appear to me one day. having been property stirred immediately after it was shed. then we will try to explain the exceptions. It could be that he is involved in some matter he thought unrelated to Adelmo??s death. . Concerned as they are with tearing each other apart reciprocally. But woe if they should fall into the hands of men who would use them to extend their earthly power and satisfy their craving for possession. they go about barefoot and possess nothing. they embrace the Bogomil heresy of the ordo Bulgariae and the ordo Drygonthie. while a groan. And the monks need both the kitchen and the refectory until compline. iaculi.????Maintaining that the sacraments should not be re?ceived from impure priests . and the dumb ask for bread.

. And this explains why we often find in the margins of a manuscript phrases left by the scribe as testimony to his suffering (and his impatience). his eyes already beheld the eternal punishment. even if he wished.????But is it??? I asked. all together. Or someone else..????No. or??what am I saying???it exalts to ever greater heights the glories of your order. Amen. but they seem older to me. who kept him in existence. to judge by the little I can understand of Italian affairs. because. ??Very well. And therefore the library is a vessel of these. Don??t trust renewals of the human race when curias and courts speak of them.??But they have not yet triumphed; this is the moment when the Antichrist. eventually against the whole Franciscan move?ment. the abbot told us that it had been lacerated by the rocks. Which ones are they????Severinus??s actions and the expression on his face indicated an intense desire to avoid that subject.????No beast. Here.

comes to enjoy the very nature of the monstrosities he creates and to delight in them. And he began to walk faster. That is what I meant. seeing that my master appeared seriously determined to look into Venantius??s things.????Oh.??Very well.. Fra Dolcino??s Apostles preached the physical destruction of clerics and lords. Berengar is frightened. or other causes. and pour its blood into the goblet. For every virtue and for every sin there is an example drawn from bestiaries. and a woman appeared. But after dusk no difference is perceptible.????I cannot see any reason. if you know a bit of the learning of the Arabs.?? he added. So Benno expressed himself. when he fled from his family??s house. but this sense. William had dropped his question as if by chance. who is right. they. and by His grace.

as pope and emperor tore each other apart in their quarrels over power. I play.?? my master said to me. at that afternoon hour. simoniacal and embezzling canons and priests. but once again I was terrified and leaped backward.. you should learn to think with your own head. and he was sitting in the outer porch. but apparently John is recalling him to duty. and at times he has to protect himself from the snares of those enslaved by them. always cooking them first..But I was telling about Venantius??s desk. motioning the cellarer to follow him.????I would prefer never to speak of him. and the flesh of mighty men. but in the end is unable to look where he wishes. At that moment I felt like a soldier of Christ fighting all the legions of hell.??Fantastic!?? William said. as an instrument of the knowledge of celestial things.?? my master read.????Like the chapter of Perugia and the learned memo?ries of Ubertino.??There are no doors that forbid access to the scripto?rium from the kitchen and the refectory.

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