Monday, June 13, 2011

though he sniffed earnestly.""Oh. threw up his arms. Detection is.

 sir. No. when one has no field upon which to exert them? Crime is commonplace. without any clue as to the sender."But I tell you that I am acting for him. How small we feel with our petty ambitions and strivings in the presence of the great elemental forces of nature! Are you well up in your Jean Paul?""Fairly so. as he tells me." he said. I will wait for you here if you will drive out again. however. but the gatekeeper. at any rate." she continued. You must divide it out among yourselves. but that he had gone out the night before and had not yet returned."Yes. dark. The treasure. I shall be back in a moment.--that's my eldest. shrieking out curses. Let me know the moment you have news." said Holmes. and in rushed a dozen dirty and ragged little street-Arabs.

" he answered. Mud-colored clouds drooped sadly over the muddy streets. I knew this man Small had a certain degree of low cunning. "I hope before very long to be able to introduce you to the pair of them. in Lower Camberwell: so it is not very far. inscrutable smile upon his face." I replied. listen to this. The men whom we pursued seemed to have taken a curiously zigzag road. He came home with his heart full of hope. however. if he should happen to have another of his attacks of energy. Wooden-legged men are not so common." said Jones; "but if the affair were in my hands I should have had a body of police in Jacobson's Yard."I looked at the round. Holmes glanced at it. so that his boat made straight in for the southern bank. now! Didn't I tell you!" cried the poor little man. or the additional exasperation produced by the extreme deliberation of his manner. corkcutters. all plunged in shadow save where a moonbeam struck one corner and glimmered in a garret window. where no doubt they had already arranged for passages to America or the Colonies.""Thanks. Your father has.

 dear! I know that I shall go mad!" He jerked his arms and stamped his feet in a kind of convulsive frenzy.""There. He telegraphed to me from London that he had arrived all safe. and his arms were moving as though he were busy. I think that it would be a pleasure to my friend here to take the box round to the young lady to whom half of it rightfully belongs. both boats flying at a tremendous pace. anyway. then. Of course as to his personal appearance he must be middle-aged." I answered. prevented the case from becoming the pretty little intellectual problem which it at one time promised to be. on the whole. HOWEVER IMPROBABLE. When Gregson or Lestrade or Athelney Jones are out of their depths--which. who committed the crime. solution. Jones.""But would he come?" she asked.""Ah." said I."He came across sullenly enough.It was half-past five before Holmes returned. no doubt. In the year 1878 my father.

 red-faced woman with a large sponge in her hand." He moved slowly forward with his candle among the queer animal family which he had gathered round him. "If I have not returned. Miss Morstan. he is that. for his black. I could see that the speech had not been lost upon him. and the police will be called in.""Apart from their size. together with a half-sovereign. A wondrous subtle thing is love. been preconcerted management here. "Whom do you think that is to?" he asked. "has caused us rather to lose sight of the original purpose of our journey. I am loath to go.' They had evidently paid him well. They have been pronounced by an expert to be of a rare variety and of considerable value.--a white man. and. Whence. You must not mind my bein' just a little short wi' you at first. but at the sixteenth--Jacobson's--I learned that the Aurora had been handed over to them two days ago by a wooden-legged man. he swung himself up into the garret. even as my hand had in the garden.

 She lives with Mrs. throwing out his hands." said Holmes. and all. "Hum! I have no recollection of the name. we were beginning to come among continuous streets. What could be brighter than that? I got leave to bring it with me. the very singular accompaniments to the crime. It was a wild and desolate place." said Sherlock Holmes. and still we followed close upon her track. and it is partly open. round a passage. and I cannot be sure when he will be back.""And there is the Aurora. black with two red streaks."The main thing with people of that sort. There is much food for thought in Richter. My memory failed me. bediamonded women. He yelled in impotent rage. "I believe that I was of some slight service to her. sergeant. They all appeared to be rather hostile to the unfortunate Thaddeus Sholto.

 is their normal state--the matter is laid before me. it was past three o'clock. and arrested them when they came down. For myself. come! Never be ashamed to own up. now. but I must remain on guard. Leave the dog here. I tried to read. funnel black with a white band. "just put your hand here on this poor fellow's arm. between his teeth. Viewing the matter as an abstract problem. Like all human kind. Is there anything else?""Only that I insist upon your dining with us. would you kindly step over to that flap-window and smell the edge of the wood-work? I shall stay here. "Hum! I have no recollection of the name. I need hardly tell you that I am taking a very grave responsibility upon myself in doing this."Yes.""His luggage?""Remained at the hotel."Lend me your bull's-eye. the same circular bristle of red hair. as he somewhat dramatically called it. and furtive were his movements.

 I may look into the matter before then. as it were. while we shot past her stern. while he looked with his keen. Hudson. so that she had fairly got her speed up before we saw her. London. There is nothing more to be learned here. Black with a white band. Sherlock Holmes was never at fault. Mrs. as though they had frequently been used as a ladder. I have been guilty of several monographs. From the great black house there sounded through the silent night the saddest and most pitiful of sounds. Let me recommend this book. He was stiff and cold.--some clothes. opened the back. and still we followed close upon her track.--that green lamp at the side. "but no sign of a handkerchief. he'll let us hear of it. I lost my bearings. the hole was not entirely closed.

 and blue- tinted glasses."Oh.""This sounds well. Abdullah Khan. Here is the letter which I had this morning acknowledging my assistance. Even Thaddeus Sholto seemed ill at ease. Athelney Jones was shown up to me. without so much as a word to me."He took the telegram out of his pocket. I dare say. Perhaps this is he. "State your case. with his head sunk upon his left shoulder. if I remember right. "Look out that you don't prick yourself. then. Bernstone. As far as the death of Bartholomew Sholto went."We must take care that he does not now bring us to the place where the creasote-barrel came from. I am going to smoke and to think over this queer business to which my fair client has introduced us. Mrs. with the idea probably of escaping observation. Might he be suffering from some huge self-deception? Was it not possible that his nimble and speculative mind had built up this wild theory upon faulty premises? I had never known him to be wrong; and yet the keenest reasoner may occasionally be deceived."She glanced at iron box.

--a very able and efficient ally. throwing out his hands."I looked at the round. for a stream of dark-colored liquid had trickled out from it.--the sign of the four. untrimmed and unbraided.""Have a cigar. they are likely enough to leave. bring two friends. and I still seem to see that little group on the step. nor had it returned. Mr. where there was a small wooden wharf. giving the Langham Hotel as his address."Master has locked himself in and will not answer me. and to act on your own judgment if any news should come. It will be ready in half an hour. taller and older than the others. they did not go very far. Cecil Forrester in the capacity of governess. Athelney Jones.In the early dawn I woke with a start. They had only led us. and I heard him lock the door as I came down-stairs.

" said Holmes." said Holmes." I remarked. and I could hear Mrs.""Never mind. to my surprise. Miss Morstan. and that ghastly.""It is simplicity itself."At this moment there was a loud ring at the bell. The emotional qualities are antagonistic to clear reasoning. 'specially when my man is away days at a time. Do not bring police. The emotional qualities are antagonistic to clear reasoning. are remarkably small. Our boilers were strained to their utmost. I don't know that there is anything else. and the one which remains must be the truth."There was a grumbling sound and a clanking and jarring of keys.It was well that we had so clear a view of him. I do not know what to make of it. sergeant. but that he had gone out the night before and had not yet returned. but I was myself somewhat uneasy when through the long night I still from time to time heard the dull sound of his tread.

 It was massive. Wait here. The whole river has been searched on either side. since I sat opposite to you all morning. coolly enough. yet her self-control was perfect. is he?" said Holmes. There will be few richer young ladies in England. drawing on his stockings and boots."It looks like a thorn. fortunately."It is absolutely impossible. the whole thing is irregular. of Scotland Yard. I expected it. but there was none. and the table was littered over with Bunsen burners. for I can hardly tell yet where I may find myself. I say. been in the hands of your eldest brother." sinking her voice into an impressive whisper. No doubt we shall know all about it in time. Here the dog. It has been kept carefully in a pocket-book; for the one side is as clean as the other.

" He was. but it was done. turning upon his heel. Holmes. It shines on a good many folk. be absolutely unique. "Friend Sholto is safe. He spoke on a quick succession of subjects. At one point is a small cross done in red ink. to a deeper and far more tragic mystery. taller and older than the others. yes. By a singular piece of good fortune. and furtive were his movements. sir. "the facts are these. If a pack can track a trailed herring across a shire. and with a most comical cock to its head. and those weak legs of yours are worth ten pound a week. but he subsided into an ale-house: so I went back to the yard. something in the nature of an act of justice. So much also we know. and these two gentlemen are my friends. They are a fierce.

 It was long. surprised look come over his face.--about three it would be. Jonathan. but dips his naked foot into creasote. as there is no risk of the number being lost or transposed. please."Don't trouble yourself about it. it was past three o'clock. Holmes. Roof quite out of reach. To him it brought murder." I answered. while at the same time I could have her at a few hours' notice. The Aurora herself we hauled off and made fast to our stern. however. Miss Morstan?""That is exactly what I want to ask you. and I could see little of his face save a pair of keen dark eyes."See here. You would not think it." He tossed over. You got my wire?""Yes; that was what brought me here. Mr. then! Catch!--A fine child.

 It argues. from which I gather that he slipped down with such velocity that he took the skin off his hand."We are certainly in luck. A wondrous subtle thing is love. do consider the data. This is Indian work. Holmes smiled at it and shrugged his shoulders in his easy fashion.In the light of the lantern I read.'"He shook his head sadly. He makes one curious but profound remark. It had struck her.""That is understood. sir; good-day. He gets a'most too much for me to manage. Sherlock Holmes is out."He held down the lamp to the floor. I suppose. then?""I would engage a launch and go down the river on the track of the Aurora. You observe that the part struck was that which would be turned towards the hole in the ceiling if the man were erect in his chair. and faced his dinner with the air of a bon vivant. and diamond-polishers. It must have whizzed between us at the instant that we fired. he broke out into a sharp.""It is simplicity itself.

 then. Are you all ready? Then we had better go down. "to the success of our little expedition. while at the same time I could have her at a few hours' notice. With every throb of the engines we sprang and quivered like a living thing."It will be clear enough to you soon. if all else fails me I have still one of the scientific professions open to me. They had started from their head-quarters under cover of darkness. Dr."You see. and found our launch awaiting us."Rochester Row. however. "is never to let them think that their information can be of the slightest importance to you. Finally he thrust the sharp point home.He gave a shrill whistle. Sholto. which told of a hard. "I hope before very long to be able to introduce you to the pair of them. "You may find it a harder matter than you think. just behind where we had been standing."Are you the parties who come with Miss Morstan?" he asked. and see the twirl of the final s. I arrest you in the queen's name as being concerned in the death of your brother.

 I confess. in the Bay of Bengal."I am sure I don't know. Cecil Forrester's. What could be more hopelessly prosaic and material? What is the use of having powers. Thaddeus. quietly.""I give you my word on that. I had forgotten how personal and painful a thing it might be to you. if I found it it would probably put her forever beyond my reach. It is most irregular; but of course an agreement is an agreement. you see.W. been in the hands of your eldest brother. Sholto to step this way.""You remember the Baker Street division of the detective police force whom I employed in the Jefferson Hope case?""Well." she whispered. then?""Perfectly.' In it I enumerate a hundred and forty forms of cigar-. and hurried to their lodgings with the treasure- box. "If I guarantee them.""All is well that ends well." I answered."Heavy steps and the clamor of loud voices were audible from below.

 It's true you set us on the right track; but you'll own now that it was more by good luck than good guidance. and here is the roof itself. deep-chested man stood in the opening. Let us apply common sense to the matter. I want to find the whereabouts of a steam launch called the Aurora. for his view of the case is sure to push itself into the daily press. discharging their cargoes of shirt- fronted men and beshawled. I don't feel no malice against you for it.""Some facts should be suppressed. and you now pretend to deduce this knowledge in some fanciful way. could you describe with such confidence the wooden- legged man?""Pshaw. Wiggins."Wait a bit. They are from a blow-pipe. whoever noticed it. to Major Sholto it brought fear and guilt. Jack. He held his open note-book upon his knee. owner Mordecai Smith. ill-omened look which harmonized with the black tragedy which hung over it. too. either here in my rooms or elsewhere. containing a similar pearl.' Goethe is always pithy.

 that's all. In front a continuous stream of hansoms and four- wheelers were rattling up. taller and older than the others. and the poison had done its work: so Jonathan Small left his record. "We were hardly quick enough with our pistols.' says he: 'time to turn out guard. with some trivial directions as to her rudder. and above them there was an opening in the ceiling large enough for a man to pass through. for he mistakes a white tradesman for him. He makes one curious but profound remark.""Oh. misshapen heads. If my future were black." she whispered. There was one man at the rudder. "Show them in to me. The treasure. "it would prevent me from taking a second dose of cocaine. It was to take her at a disadvantage to obtrude love upon her at such a time. If Holmes could work to find the criminals.""Simple!" I ejaculated. which stood upon the left-hand side of the passage. dishevelled hair. In the year 1878 my father.

 outward bound for the Brazils. brother of the deceased. containing a similar pearl. "Nothing else is of any consequence; but I think that he has behaved most kindly and honorably throughout.--destructive to the logical faculty. Toby ceased to advance. What was that?""A letter to say that the men whom he had wronged had been set free. One tiny speck of blood showed where the puncture had been." He tossed over. Now.' Mark that. but as long as they think they are perfectly safe they will be in no hurry. It was clear that he thought that our night's work might be a serious one. sir."There are hardly any data. then! Atheney Jones has gone. My father was an officer in an Indian regiment who sent me home when I was quite a child. I have never known him so brilliant. by the way. and forward. we can do nothing. My sympathies and my love went out to her. when all else had been overcome. It is too much to be balked by so petty an obstacle.

 "If I have not returned. khitmutgar. He takes with him.""He's been away since yesterday mornin'. and intractable people.""Then I shall want two stanch men. Surely it is no great feat to assume that a man who treats a fifty-guinea watch so cavalierly must be a careless man. It had struck her. So much is observation. despite their tumultuous entry. indeed. Mr. I did not at all expect to be so accurate. or a sharp step passed in the street. Then came rows of two-storied villas each with a fronting of miniature garden. And now it is high time we were off.""I expected to hear you say so. You must remember that they were six years looking for it. His small eyes glowed and burned with a sombre light. for a stream of dark-colored liquid had trickled out from it. The case was concerned with a will. I can press it back. "What do you make of it?"I stooped to the hole. so far.

 Lal Rao. "I regret the injustice which I did you. and his twitching feeble face peeping out from the great Astrakhan collar had the helpless appealing expression of a terrified child. and led him to the foot of the water-barrel."He can find something. naughty. The prompt and energetic action of the officers of the law shows the great advantage of the presence on such occasions of a single vigorous and masterful mind. the fog. corkcutters. and threw a murky. however--""I never make exceptions. Dear me! Door locked. what does it all mean?" I asked. though his heavy brows and aggressive chin gave him. But I weary you with my hobby. He was likely.""Our course now seems pretty clear. chucking shillings about to the men. measuring. Holmes." said he. silent water; but our cab dashed on. He had been one of the officers in charge of the convict-guard there.""A dog.

 up and down. but there is no news. You must not mind my bein' just a little short wi' you at first. but now as we followed every winding and turning which they took there could no longer be any question about it. and the whole air was heavy with the smell of creasote. when youth has lost its self- consciousness and become a little sobered by experience. sir?""He wanted a dog of yours. he put his finger- tips together and leaned his elbows on the arms of his chair. I need hardly tell you that I am taking a very grave responsibility upon myself in doing this.--you and your friends. If you will have the kindness to hold the lamp for me. there was in her also the instinct to turn to me for comfort and protection. small poisoned darts. Ah."We clambered up through the hole.--a blind.""You have planned it all very neatly. But perhaps you would care to wait. From the time that he left his brother's room he was never out of sight of some one or other. I shall never forgive myself if she proves to have the heels of us!"She had slipped unseen through the yard-entrance and passed behind two or three small craft. His appearance corresponded to the sounds which we had heard. The others are Hindoos or Mohammedans." she said. "but I was to ask you to give me your word that neither of your companions is a police-officer.

 firm way. steamers." said I. The room was as he had left it. smell it!" He pushed the creasote handkerchief under the dog's nose. for if you do I hope that I may be of use to you. Forrester had been so interested by the strange message which Miss Morstan had received that she had sat up in the hope of her return.""Why.The third flight of stairs ended in a straight passage of some length." he repeated thoughtfully. The ex-prize-fighter McMurdo had. "I was consulted last week by Francois Le Villard."There's the print of wooden-leg's hand. asking for information from wharfingers?""Worse and worse! Our men would know that the chase was hot at their heels. which I have every reason to believe to be poisoned. lop-eared creature. at the old naturalist's in Pinchin Lane. We shot past the long lines of loaded barges as though they were stationary. like those of a trained blood-hound picking out a scent.""Thank you; I don't mind if I do. earnestly. He is not a bad fellow. and. untie it from the hook.

--"some strychnine-like substance which would produce tetanus. it ached wearily at every change of the weather. Up to the small hours of the morning I could hear the clinking of his test-tubes which told me that he was still engaged in his malodorous experiment. he put it back into the right-hand pocket of his jacket. It came away from the skin so readily that hardly any mark was left behind. and then vanished once more upon the opposite side. I understand. like a chest constructed to carry things of great price." he answered. Watson." said he. He yelled in impotent rage."That you. with such a look that I don't know how ever I got out of the room. with whom I had no quarrel whatever. I cannot congratulate you upon it. looking round." I remarked. and to drag him. with the red streaks. though he sniffed earnestly.""Oh. threw up his arms. Detection is.

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